Citizen TV news anchor Lillian Muli proved that there was more to her than the stellar career on prime time news when she launched her health and lifestyle show, Slim Possible.The highly-rated show went on to run for 10 seasons, but most importantly, transformed the lives of its participants who all joined while battling weight issues. Unknown to most, the show was actually inspired by her firstborn son, Joshua.”The show was brought to life by our Managing Director Wachira Waruru. But what most people don’t know is that it was brought about by my firstborn,”His birth took a toll on me emotionally and mentally. I went through a serious episode of post-natal depression. I couldn’t eat, or function, it was hard for me,” she revealed during an interview. Citizen TV News Anchor Lillian Muli.Instagram By the time she joined Citizen TV in 2010, the sultry-voiced anchor was down to 56kg, and this was what caught the eye of the MD.He was staggered as to how she was so tiny just 6 months since giving birth. This was what led to a lengthy conversation during which she disclosed her post-natal depression and how her son had forced her to snap out of it.”I just had to get myself out of that negative headspace for him. That was when I started watching my diet and hitting the gym religiously,” she explained.In what could only be described as her twist of fate, her episode of depression eventually birthed her maiden show on television.The news anchor was quick to point out that a lot of people (both men and women) sink into depression due to weight issues. However, she urged anyone going through such a phase not to let the outside world define what they should look like.”The moment in my life that I would love to relive over and over again would definitely be the birth of both my sons,” she revealed.”Both were just magical. When you get to have that first eye-to-eye contact, is just special. I have unconditional love for my children,” she asserted.The proud mother of two recently opened up her very own beauty Parlour in Westlands, Nairobi.Watch her full interview below: