A couple residing in the area of Burn forest, Uasin Gishu County, were on Tuesday, September 22, apprehended after they admitted to killing their daughter.The couple stated that their child, Victoren Chelagat, was disabled and would be a great hindrance in their new marriage.After failing to sight the child for a number of days, neighbours resorted to taking the matter to the Olenguse chief Samuel Kibiwott, who then paid the couple a visit. A police vehicle at a scene of a crimeFacebook “I asked them where their child was and they lied that her aunty had gone with her to her place. It took some time before I could get her contacts. However, when I finally did, she told me that the child was not at their place,” Kibiwott stated.The chief would go back to the couple’s house and interrogate them. That is when the wife admitted that they had killed the child and buried him in Shingalo forest.Residents were angered by the devastating news and were baying for the couple’s blood.Police officers had to protect the couple on Tuesday as they took them to the area where they had buried the child.The couple is now in custody awaiting to be presented in court on Monday, September 28, when their case will be mentioned.Disabled Rights International indicates that one in ten Kenyan children under the age of 21 is disabled with most facing isolation or rejection.On the other hand, a report done by United Nation International Children’s Emergency Fund [UNICEF] indicates that 9% of children with disability join schools. And out of those only 6% complete primary school. A Police Station in Mombasa CountyThe Standard