Kampala – The former Kampala mayor, Al Haji Nasser Ntege Sebaggala – Seya – has breathed his last
Sources close to the family confirmed his death in a telephone call when contacted.
Sebaggala was admitted to the International Hospital in Kampala, in Namuwongo two weeks ago.
His son, Abdu Gamel Nasser Ssebaggala, then said his father was referred to the intensive care unit on arrival at the hospital after developing complications in the stomach.
“After having his supper on Tuesday (September 8) night, dad sat in the sitting room and was listening to the radio when he suddenly felt weak,” Gamel said.
He added that shortly after, his dad started sweating, prompting the family to rush him to the hospital.
Upon examination, Gamel said the medics informed the family that Seya as Sebaggala was popularly known, was suffering from a condition diagnosed as intussusception.
The condition, termed as serious by medics, involves part of the intestine sliding into an adjacent (part of the intestine). It is also described as telescoping by medics. The conditions results in blocks movement of food and fluids through the intestines.
Intussusception stops blood supply to the affected part of the intestine, resulting into a tear (perforation) in the bowel. This later leads to infection and damage to the bowel tissue.
The condition is said to be the most cause of intestinal obstruction in infants. Although the condition is rare in adults, according to medics, in most cases, it is caused by underlying medical complications such as a tumor.
While it can be controlled through an X-ray procedure among children, doctors often recommend surgery to correct the condition in adults. Latif (Ssebagala) said two weeks ago that his brother underwent an operation to correct the condition.
Seya breathed his last this morning and preliminary plans indicate that he will be buried on Sunday in Kisaasi.