Programmers are weird. It is human nature to put people into a box with stereotypes and the tech industry is no exception. Let’s take a look at 10 common stereotypes people use for software engineers and developers
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🔖 Topics Covered
- What are programmer stereotypes?
- What are programmers really like?
- Code memes
- are all programmers introverts?
- programming humor
- jokes about code
- making fun of coders
- what is hacking really like?
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c or c++, now i only use logic gates.
Where is the trans girl. 😆🥰
I realized that I’m a minimalist
gimme the minimalist
That was gold 😂
I'm the gearhead and my teacher was the minimalist…
I am a lazy programmer who dreams of being a 10x programmer. Unfortunately I am a game developer working for myself and I also have to do the job of modelling and making the music for my game. Whatever you're doing is not that hard because you're probably not doing music theory.
I think lazy programmer fits me most accurately, although i do share intersections with the minimalist and introvert.
Most of them a Bit but the full Byte.
what about the prostoner? the programmer whos stoned all the time and writes perfect code and completes a project or report in about 30 minutes then forgets what hes doing for 2 hours zoning up to music and instagram
Im here to break the stereotype
I worked with a 10x programmer. He was amazing, his C code was super-efficient, easy to read, and he wrote it on the fly, off the top of his head. He was of Scandinavian background, tall, blond and handsome, with a huge gleaming smile like an actor in a toothpaste commercial. But! He was shy, spoke in a high squeaky voice, and giggled a lot. And he lived in the basement of his manager's house (yeah, really – he rented it from his manager). Super-helpful guy, he'd try to patiently explain why he hadn't used the Fast Fourier Transform routine from the library, because his own implementation was 10% faster … "but of course, you should just use the library version" he'd say, without any awkwardness. He was such a nice bloke, but I came close to hanging up my keyboard and walking away from IT … I felt like a fraud, by comparison.
We also have new type
Chat wishperer : A programmer who uses GPT-based or similar chatbots for coding. However, it's worth noting that this is not a practical or efficient approach, as it would likely result in suboptimal code and poor performance, and he knows it.
the kid needs to be in the video too
I can't believe they didn't put the "Femboy" stereotype on the video, as we all know that all programmers are Femboys.
3:38 damn
Comedy genius. Chapeau
I don't fall in any of the stereotypes, looks like I need to create one then.
I'm a minimalist lazy programmer who has a tendency to have fits and spasms.
I am none of these. I'm sad I am not a stereotype.
You forgot the -10x programmer, the one so incompetent that he generates his own gravitational wtf field that messes up all code in his proximity and takes 10x the time/effort for others to diagnose and fix it.
if I could print hello world without setting the pc on fire, I'd be somewhere between minimalist and lazy
I fall into the stereotype of "I think I program a fair amoult of stuff but actually I'm just a physics student"
I'm both brogrammer and lazy programmer.
That's my picture in the thumbnail, and contrary to how delightfully happy I may have seemed in the photo, it was really just an artificial representation of hubris on display as well as a deep responsibility to advocate for the Chess Club as I had just recently usurped the Presidential position from my former best friend.
Obviously, the condundrum of wrestling with these feelings coupled with the pride of being a legitemate star of one of your fine film essays is complex.
i'm the rare unicorn
The women who codes
I fall for the lazy programmer although I really wish I wasn't ahaha
I didn't think I was old enough to be the old jaded guy but here I am lol.
Let's see now. I did manage to retire in my 30's and went around the world windsurfing until I ended up in the Bay Area in 2000 (i windsurfed Crissy Field and everywhere else in the Bay area). Finally I went back to "work". I am grey haired but am a full-stack developer and for sure i have witnessed the 0.1%'er in action and it was mind blowing to watch. All in all then I would say i am a melange of more than 1 type in your fantastic presentation…closest would be the 1 T Shirt dude but I own my own house so no need to share. Good luck to ALL the young'uns coding…don't worry…soon AGI will take over and we will all be able to go kitesurfing (i switched to kitesurfing in 2008) all year long. If anyone in the meantime, can figure out a way of sequestering about 4000 gigatons of CO2 (hopefully the AGI will help with that) it would be good, cause without Earth coding becomes a bit redundant.
I know how to print "Hello world" in an IDE. How do I become a 10X programmer?
This video isn't 100% accurate. I mean you didn't even mention femboys, programming socks, or coding cages once.
The 10x developer doesn't necessarily have to have a super above average IQ score. I scored 154 and I am not that great at c++ to say the least.
I am the introvert but I don't program that often 😂
Ig I’m the lazy programmer 👍
Programming in big companies today are done by boring types that sometimes looks like the stereotypes but most not. They have a family, works 9-5, is part of a team that have roles rather than stereotypes. These persons that you show are in small startups, preferally in Sillicon Valley. Have never seen them in Europe.
The picture of the introvert can also be found in CG Jungs book about psychology named ”man and his symbols”. It is showing a man being bitten by poisonous snakes during a religious ceremony.
Great video!
I would have called the "jaded old guy" the "bearded geek" though….. 🙂
Only uses Unix/Linux/one of the BSDs, lives in the command-line, dreams in bash or assembly, pure coffee in his veins, lives alone and usually introverted but comes alive when meeting other "bearded geeks".
I have a certain amount of those attributes (including being bearded and using Linux and the BSDs) but wouldn't say I'm skilled enough to be called a geek ( I go by the maxim that "you're not a hacker until someone else calls you a hacker" ). That may be the case for "geek" too.
I am old enough to have used punched-cards though (in my high-school days).
I dont fall into any of these, im a dumb 12 year old with a crappy laptop that got into programming as a hobby
Really? Your "women who code" section is some exaggerated praise and no jokes? That was sad
As a member of rust cult, I don't agree with you
I am the brogrammer without the body 😆