Mr Wind
Remember the song “Njagala kugendako Juba… Muwala tunywe ku s***… Mpulira Uganda entamye… ejudde enugu…” yes that one! It was sung by Mr. Wind and oh yes it was a hit.
It is however sad news coming from the faded artiste as he is in tears after his house was burnt to ashes. According to the singer, the house contained not only his property but also his friend’s properties.
“I have been living here with my wife, children, my friends, and their wives and all our properties have been burnt to ashes in the fire,” he said.
According to him, they collect money as one and buy what they can in a bid to be developmental. Among the burnt things are laptops, musical instruments among other things.
“Laptops, Amplifier, mixer, speakers, machines used to produce music even though they are not of high quality have all been burnt in the fire by people and I am going to police to report the case,” he added.
He cried to Sylvia Namutebi commonly known as Mama Fina and President Museveni for help. He asked for land, money, and music equipment and promised to share whatever he is given with his friends, children, and wife.
The singer recently opened up about his plans of staging a concert during an interview on Spark TV where he narrated that he had planned to celebrate 10 years in 2018 but failed due to unavoidable issues.
Mr. Wind also revealed that he didn’t make any profits from his song Juba because he was always involved in running battles with Police who accused him of publicly inciting youths to use weed.
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