Learn the basics of the Go Programming Language. Go (not Golang) was developed at Google as a modern version of C for high-performance server-side applications. https://fireship.io/lessons/learn-go-in-100-lines/
#programming #go #100SecondsOfCode
🔗 Resources
Go in 100 Lines https://fireship.io/lessons/learn-go-in-100-lines/
Go Docs https://golang.org/doc/
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🔖 Topics Covered
- History of Go Development
- Programming Languages Invented by Ken Thompson
- Statically-typed Complied Languages
- Go Modules
I don't understand who thought that "var identifier type" makes more sense or requires less typing than "type identifier". Go gives me a headache.
I love Go. Fast and easy to learn
how about a pro-Fireship course for GO?
How come python is faster in the chart 😂
It's unbelievable Jeff! 🤯
I'm extremely happy I write Go and not Java or C# for a living at the moment.
“Go” and “gay” both start with “g.” Coincidence???
1:58 fmt.println("") is an error, the P has to be caps
go in 100 seconds????? i just got here
I thought he was going to say famous for its extremely large binaries
THe first thing you learn when you start learning go is the meaning of "circular dependency" and right after that that you are a shitty programmer
When I was 20 I thought of learning programming and I picked Go as my first language simply because the funny looking mascot.
I didn't get far tho and is currently going the CS50 route
149 seconds
100 seconds = 1 minute 40 seconds
This video = 2 minutes 22 seconds
Should've focused more on how it handles concurrency. That's honestly the best part of Go.
He didn't mention some of the other highlights like being able to return 2 or more values from a function, how easy importing packages from Githhub is, or how you never have to import a function from another file if if it's in the same folder, you just have access to it.
There is no replacement for C/C++ down to Assembly on "pointers" understanding. Not to mention Go was conceived in modern era. I like Go, there is a way to Go!
I wish go was much more like java, specially in declaring variables
Gonna look at Go after learning C and C++.
i don't even know why i'm here since none of these vids make any sense.
please save me.
Go where in 100 seconds?
0:08 High Performance? Hm, then … what does python and JS do in this list?
That feeling you get when you realise that these 100 seconds videos aren't actually 100 seconds long 🙁
translates to go in 100 seconds… as in go. in 100 seconds.
hahah…. i lost 77thousand… dollars..
150 s
Do a video for Scala
I fucking love go ❤
But this video is 149 seconds…..
About the only language to come around since the 80s that I don't hate.
One of the greatest things about Go was the removal of classes. Now people don't wast their time creating and reading BS class hierarchies, created simply because they could.
interesting to try go
Wasn't Dennis Richie the inventor of C?
what is this vscode theme?
Like the Go its fast and easy to learn, And Jeff please stop using windows for Coding. Use Linux/MacOS for coding
How about this for language No one gives a toss
hate that fuzzy syntax
I’ve been using go for 2 years. And though it sounds like you’ve never used it, you did a bang up job explaining it in 100 seconds. Cheers xD
Wails desktop app dev tool in go using html js css needs some light