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Hey,i haven't really learned how to code,i am 18 years old .i am gonna learn how to code .and how hard it is to start earning online ???
Now he earns more from youtube 🤣
I just got started on Upwork. Took a while to set up my account and apply to jobs but finally got my first gig!
If you're completely new, How would we know how much each project is worth.
Anyone who gets too much work just write me and I can help some of you
Great 🙏🙏
7:57 for those of you who have tried upwork to get programming jobs,
What is the worst part of doing Upwork outreach? Is it sending proposals, or what?
I'm really curious because I'm looking to learn more about this industry
You use some good tracks for your clips 😉
Great video!
Cudos Nick for supporting Ukraine 💙💛👋👋👍👍🤝🤝
Bro make a login form video with javascript
Which will actually work, so that the user will not know the email of the website authority, only the website authority will know the user's information.
reality is that when hundreds of ppl compete for a single job it means its already over for you and you should move along. I think there are 2 many ppl on earth and we should die maybe or idk
Four pieces of advice:
1. Never do work for free (even so-called 'tests'). In my experience, the clients who pay the most are usually the easiest to work with, because they understand the value that you bring to the table. It's usually the stingy clients who try to sneak in more work for the same price. Avoid those.
2. Check the employer feedback from other freelancers. It will give you a good idea of what kind of client they're gonna be. If one freelancer says the client is a dick, take it with a grain of salt, but if more than 2 have unfavourable things to say about the client then alarm bells should start ringing.
3. Don't do the time-tracker thing. I find it quite intrusive and shows that the client doesn't trust that you'll log the hours truthfully. Also, just because you're not on your computer coding, doesn't mean you're not working on the project. If a client insists on using time-tracker, then it's not gonna be a good fit.
4. On sites like Upwork you live and die by your reputation. A difficult client might give you a bad rating and that can make your life VERY difficult, especially when you're just starting out and you don't have many reviews. I've been screwed over by clients. Trust me, people don't even look at you if you have a rating under 80 – 90%
Remember, clients need you as much as you need them.
Nick, you're a smart guy.
Much love from Ghana.
This video is very helpful 👍
Slightly dissapointed that I didnt get any dating advice but ah well
400$/day is pretty cheap actually… and that is if it’s all project work for 8h, not including hours spent on marketing, negotiations, bookkeeping etc
The words 'api integration' and 'hard' shouldn't be used in the same sentence
Nice video I'm new to cryptocurrency and I don't understand how it really works. Can someone guide me on the right approach to investing and making good profit from cryptocurrency investment..
Thanks for the info man
Just how do you properly price a project? How do you give a customer quote that's reasonable?
Thanks for sharing !!
Nick, you seem like you're worth way more than $50 / hr. Then again I live in California where that's not very much for an experienced programmer, not sure where you live.
thanks for this bro
get into solidity blockchain developing!
The best video I saw on freelancing. Subbed
lol I started freelancing but didn't get a single job 😢
man why do you sound dead in all your videos and still ended up making cash yo?
How to get the first client if you are new in the web of upwork!!!
Cause we’re not dating, we’re freelancing.
Best pickup line I ever heard
i wasn't subscribed, but frank came on at 5:57 and i had to
$50/hr without benefits is shit in the Estados Unidos
Wait a sec 50$ per hour is a terrible software dev wage given you have to tax yourself