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💬 Let’s learn how to use Unity NavMesh which is the built-in Pathfinding System.
Set up your scene, define what objects are walkable, bake the NavMesh and use NavMesh Agents to traverse it.
Expand upon it with some penalties and tags along with some Jumps and Off Mesh Links.
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- Other great Unity channels:
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Jabrils – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQALLeQPoZdZC4JNUboVEUg
BlackthornProd – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Z1XWw1kmnvOOFsj6Bzy2g
Sykoo – https://www.youtube.com/user/SykooTV
Jason Weimann – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_b3NNQN5bzExm-22-NVVg
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AssetsNavMesh.cs(13,9): error CS0019: Operator '-' cannot be applied to operands of type 'NavMeshAgent' and 'NavMeshAgent'
The drop and jump isint working, what do i do?
O my god so nice I don’t know that navmesh can jump form cube to another or drop thank you so much ❤
Unity has changed Nav mesh. so do you plan on updating your course?
why i dont have links shown for drop and jump?
This Navigation window is labeled as Obsolete in Unity 2022. How can I do NavMesh in the latest version of Unity?
I am working on an RTS, and thinking of using A* package from Assetstore. The dilemma is that should I use my own grid and things like breakpoints, or the NavMesh? NavMesh is much easier of course and fine-grained. But then my maps might get large. So, Code Monkey, do you have any idea if NavMesh is performant enough to be the goto tool in RTS games for characters walking around, chopping wood, etc. What is your experience?
In my game to bake the terrain it is taking a time of 1and half hours
Umm uhh my Agent is not walking
i don't wanna be harsh,cuz i love unity, but the best Navmesh pro tip is to just … DON'T … just don't use it, lmao.
Very, very, VERY nice video. Thank you. Now I know how to use nav mesh agent.
Sorry but I think Unity marked this method as obsolete. Please upload new video that is related to new system. Thanks!
Great and clear thank you 😊
Is it possible to simulate a large number of people leaving a multi-story building using Unity navmesh pathfinding and probuilder?
Great video ! But it feels like it's made for non-player characters only ?
Or is that also how I could make my player smoothly go up stairs ?
its showing me the navigation but is not giving me the option to bake it, any ideas on what it requires in order to bake it?
I've just watched the video to learn about Unity's navigation and I have a quick question: Currently i'm using a Rigidbody to move a character but I want it to navigate around different obstacles. Do I now use the NavMeshAgent to move the character instead of using the RigidBody?
This video is really helpfull thank you very much awesome work.
OH my gods thank you!! The old tuts i watched told me to pull up NavMeshSurfaceComponenet which I'm not sure exists anymore and I was about to have a breakdown because I didn't know how else to get the level working. THANK YOU!
You didnt speak about nav mesh obstacle
Is it good practice to make the player an agent in an isometric 3d game?
For example my Player has a CharacterController that handles the general movement of my character – for example it walks to the location where i clicked. But it will not avoid objects. Would it be good idea to make my player a navagent to have pathfinding? How do navagents interact with objects that already have a charactercontroller attached?
I spent 3 days trying to understand how to move an enemy and was so satisfied, then I see this much MUCH easier method like bruh
hello, please tell me why NavMesh UpdateUpAxis may not work?
I don't have the bake table only navigation what do i do
very useful,thank you!
5:36 didn't work for me I made the stairs static but nave mesh wasn't generated on them the blue just tries to climb but stops I tried increasing slope and height but it only extended a bit and it's not square/perfect shape (the blue nave mesh) when it tries to generate over the stairs what's happening I don't know what I'm doing wrong
how do i make my ai look in the direction its moving
I keep getting the error "SetDestination" can only be called…
I did all I could find on the Internet: i baked the terrain, i change the agent size to fit the collider and still its not working
Would this NavMesh system work with a procedurally generated world? Is there a way to bake the spawning environment as it generates in-game?
A good explanation. Thanks
Very concise. This tool seems especially useful for prototyping, but feels a little inflexible when it comes to dynamic terrain.
Amazing tutorial!