In this free course, you’ll learn how to code with modern HTML and CSS, the main building blocks of any website. If you want to become a successful web developer, this is where you need to start! At the end of more than eight hours of learning, where we cover everything from basic HTML elements to working with Flexbox and CSS Grid, you’ll test your new skills by building a complete web page.
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00:00:00 1.1 Welcome to the Course!
00:03:48 1.2 Prerequisites
00:13:00 2.1 How Websites Are Loaded
00:24:36 2.2 What Is HTML?
00:30:42 2.3 Let’s Create an HTML File
00:42:45 2.4 HTML Elements and Tags
00:50:07 2.5 Inline vs. Block-Level Elements
01:00:41 2.6 The div Element
01:08:00 2.7 Text-Related Elements
01:30:23 2.8 Separating Content With Breaks
01:36:24 2.9 Using Lists
01:47:15 2.10 Working With Images
02:04:31 2.11 Using Forms and Buttons
02:45:22 2.12 Displaying Tabular Data With Tables
02:54:12 2.13 HTML5 Semantic Elements
03:01:59 3.1 What Is CSS?
03:04:39 3.2 Adding CSS to an HTML Page
03:11:59 3.3 Using CSS Selectors
03:29:37 3.4 Working With Color in CSS
03:40:49 3.5 Let’s Discover the CSS Units
03:54:36 3.6 Styling Text With CSS
04:10:08 3.7 Setting Dimensions in CSS
04:20:46 3.8 The CSS Box Model
04:45:44 3.9 Working With Borders in CSS
04:55:25 3.10 Using the Display Property in CSS
05:05:04 3.11 Styling Lists in CSS
05:15:56 3.12 Positioning Elements in CSS
05:30:22 3.13 Styling Backgrounds in CSS
05:52:10 3.14 Building Layouts With Flexbox and CSS Grid
06:19:43 3.15 Working with Media Queries for Creating Responsive Websites
06:32:37 4.1 Let’s Code a Simple Design with HTML and CSS
07:46:03 4.2 Conclusion and Homework
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Thankyou very much sir 😍😍
This is the best tutorial ever I wish I started with this when I was learning. You probably good with explanation and you covered everything needed to be cover
thank you :3
I got tired, I had to take a nap. then you showed how to apply the meta information.
is there there some reason why you don't show how to apply the meta information?
what extension you was used in browser?
Thank you very much
As a beginner it's really helped me
Your voice is so unique and tenderly caring… your voice makes the overwhelming information looks easy. Thank you so much… Please how do I use the color picker too on my PC.. I notice you were using a color picker for your examples. How can i use that too on Windows
Hello sir good morning I'm studying from Nigeria, please sir I'm confused 🤔 how did you get this positioning element,i mean the static position, relative position, absolute position,fixe position and sticky position
you"re the best i ever learn on youtube and the way your giving your to explane, is very undustood 💯 effecated brothe i love it ❤
@envatotatus how quickly you grabbed color plate from the pic
Lesson 3-4
What shortcut you are using?
You are using copy and past very quick
Please i would like to clarify that point sir
10minutes and I liked me. It's time to learn HTML, CSS and English. Full motivated, thanks
@envatotatus how quickly you grabbed color plate from the pic
Lesson 3-4
What shortcut you are using?
You are using copy and past very quick
Please i would like to clarify that point sir
lesson 3.14 is not explained more or lets say it is more confusing ……….overall completely satisfied with Html .Thanks for making it free.
I'm back here after learn this course last year . Now I become a full stack developer. Thank you envato to give me the roadmap in this journey . ❤
I'm trying to access the assignment but I've failed. Maybe the link takes me somewhere else 😢
can anyone help me how to open class files in vs code i am enable to open in vs code
One of the best HTML CSS course out there. It's a must for a beginner. Thank you
This the best course
Hi there, thanks for this course. I love the way you say every words, it's so much clear and also I like the way you explain on how the HTML works. But I noticed that you keep showing key words, tags etc. In the beginning that the viewer might be confuse. Much better if show how its done for exmple make a website and show them how is the step by step to that and at the same time explain when you use a specific keyword on that. They need actual on how to do that and then explain, not to listen only on what you are saying. Remember actual is always better than to listen to ALL of the theories. Its a quiet boring. Just saying. Thanks
finally finished this course. Thanks Adi . it is a great course with a great explanations. by the way Adi. I have a question about the class container. i wonder you didn't specify the height of your container but it covered the 100% view height have you already calculated the height of each section in figma ? to match in view height ?
Great job Adi ❤❤
man codes in light mode😭😭
5:16:00 I really thought you're gonna say the most burning question in CSS is "How to center a Div"
Excellent course. I can't believe this is free as well. I am learning so much. Thank you!
Wonderful course
Great course! I believe this course uses the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a concept named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. It states that roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes or inputs. In other words, a minority of inputs or efforts tend to produce the majority of results or outcomes.
Am watching from Uganda and love this
At 3:02:26 you said html and css are not styling language , and at 3:03:56 you said css is a styling language . i dont get it
I must be a dumdum, I ant figure out how to download the assignment, any help? Ty
How are you finding the distance between box and also the color hex code so easily. Seems like some shortcut you are using. Any similar tool for linux?
its THE BEST course . can someone please tell me how to grab the hex code of the color from the image ? i did not get it how he is copying the hex code
Hello ,can I ask what is that measuring tool you have with the shift+command+f?
Great course, fantastic that it is free!
Multumesc! 🙏🙂Dupa acest minunat tutorial, ai putea face si unul de JavaScript, from 0?🙂Amazing tutorial!
I just started watching this tutorial to learn web developing. As I then told a friend about it, I got recommended to get into React. Would you agree to this recommendation?
impressive love From Pakistan
I'll never forgive you for not using the dark mode
Good one, sir! And please lemme know that the tools used, like extracting of hex color value, inline dimensions extension and any other
I was looking for somewhere I could learn how to web develop and maybe do side jobs for people while I'm still in high school. Everything was just so expensive and nothing has the clarity of this, keep doing what your doing, I really appreciate it!
I am a data scientist I would like to learn html and css because I need them in my report building and storytelling to build interactive web applications
please am having issues with the class files ,i downloaded it successfully but it isnt displaying as it shows on your channel. please i need help, what should i do ?…your teaching is great .you are the best i have come across. you make things look so easy
This is the best course I have ever seen. You are an awesome teacher. I look forward to a course in JavaScript.
I hope the creator continues making similar content, diving deeper into these ideas and exploring related subjects.
the class file is not opening in vs code. It says" the file is not displayed in the text editor because it is either binary or uses an unsupported text encoding." please help.
I can't download course file and assignment, so please somebody Help me get it, or if you have it, please share with me.
One of the best channels ever
Just finished this course