First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataha Museveni has slammed European funders over LGBT and asked them to keep their money if it is one of the conditions to fund Uganda.
It should be remembered that during the recent 61st session of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States Parliamentary Assembly and 42nd Session of the ACP-European Union Joint Parliamentary Assembly (ACP-EU JPA) in Maputo, Mozambique on 31st October 2022, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa, who represented Uganda warned delegates that there is need for the Contonou Agreement to broadly define human rights in relation to homosexuality.
Tayebwa told members who attended that the agreement contained clauses promoting homosexuality and abortion, a practice he said Uganda will vehemently oppose.
“We have discovered that with the Post Cotonou agreement, there are hidden clauses concerning human rights. Clauses to do with sexuality, promotion of LGBT/homosexuality and clauses to do with abortion,” he said.
He insisted, “We are a society that is not ready for homosexuality and we are a society that is not ready for abortion. As Africa, we believe that the institution of the family is at the core of whatever we are doing.”
Appearing at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds today, as the chief guest at the National Conference on Ethics and Morality, Hon. Janet Museveni noted that they must stand up and let the world know who their God is, what determines their perspectives and who they follow.
She revealed, “Why do we say we will not allow homosexuality and lesbianism in our society, we follow a living God who gives us the moral perspectives to live by.
“It does not matter, those who threaten us that they won’t give us money can keep their money, God will provide for us.”
At the same conference today, Tayebwa recalled the contentious discussion on LGBT at the recent Joint Parliamentary Assembly of African, Caribbean and Pacific states and European Union (ACP-EU) in Maputo.
He disclosed that when he went to Maputo, he was shocked to find all kinds of people from everywhere, private jets had landed, the issue was to lobby ACP-EU to pass a resolution that to access the next European funding to African, Caribbean and Pacific states, they must acknowledge LGBT.
Tayebwa propounded, “They were saying we must acknowledge LGBT and also amend our laws to allow it, they were also saying we must provide money for abortion in the budget, that if you don’t have money we shall provide it to you. That’s when some of us said no.
“What is unfortunate is that some people look at our stand on LGBT as abnormal, a certain European MP said to me ‘we can see you are spreading hatred’. Then we have the problem of fear, some people warned me that I could be denied Visa to certain countries,” Tayebwa said.
By Hope Kalamira