Singer Geosteady, real name Hassan Kigozi, has turned around and hit out at local media over artistes failures.
Taking to his Twitter account, the Blackman Entertainment boss expressed his disappointment in how media handles issues concerning artists.
In his opinion, media has done more harm in damaging local muscians despite not going into detail on how media does that.
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Man media mwonona nyo abayimbi bamwe!! So sad.Geosteady
Man media mwonona nyo abayimbi bamwe!! So sad — G E O S T E A D Y (@geosteadyOffici) September 23, 2021
Geosteady spoke out on the back of singer and songwriter Jamie Kasujja a.k.a Jamie Culture’s situation in which he is said to have lost sanity.
Most critics note that the issue which was publicised on different local media outlets was handled in a very unprofessional way.
It is not the first time that Geosteady has blamed the media over artists failure. He has attacked Dembe FM music analyst Eddie Sendi on Twitter before.