This is the moment of truth for the likes of Magyezi for perverting the const at your pleasure ! Sweet coating an evil will never make it good and acceptable !
Tamale please get money get your own TV and air this on TV everyday. Here on you tube only we who can access internet can listen to your program. All Ugandans would love to listen your programs
This is the moment of truth for the likes of Magyezi for perverting the const at your pleasure ! Sweet coating an evil will never make it good and acceptable !
Advice parliament not to interfere with coffee growing its campaign time please!!!
Wow tamale that is great submission full of Wisdom!!
M7 bwaba tasobola kukwatta embwa ezo nabasiba lwaki tagenda
Tamale please get money get your own TV and air this on TV everyday. Here on you tube only we who can access internet can listen to your program. All Ugandans would love to listen your programs
Agasajja abo babinyo
Mr Tamale mirundi the savior of Uganda Oyo mukula bagobe mugobe yamala okubba Brian white Kati sente ze zasasanya mubbi nyooo nyooo.
Waama batabire