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There's a son of Mwami Basudde that I recorded and produced at Kasiwukira Studios in 1999/00, with Timothy Kizito. He sounded exactly like Omugenzi Basudde, he was about 18 years old or so at the time.
Mwanyinaze l love you byokola binyumila
Gwobileta singa tozunga mubakazi ebyobyona tebyandibadewo. Zipu gisibe enyere.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ate era omwogede naye banange
Abayimbi musukka okusumurura zipi mwedeko
There's a son of Mwami Basudde that I recorded and produced at Kasiwukira Studios in 1999/00, with Timothy Kizito. He sounded exactly like Omugenzi Basudde, he was about 18 years old or so at the time.
Nati mayor
Ever so smart!
Ebya kaffeero nga tebinagwa nezileeta biino
A woman can not give a child if u didn't do anything with her.
Mulekelawo obwenzi mwe abayimbi
Do DNA please don't waste our time
Walukagga waffe omu bwati kyengeera eversmart tumulabiraanga ddala
Wabula lord mayor Walu oyambala ate 'binkolera💯💯💯💯💯💯
Yahaya kajambo ✋