Francis Ssenyonjo who recently came out to ask for a DNA test claiming that he was MP Muhammad Nsereko’s biological brother has accused Pastor Yiga of misleading him. Ssenyonjo says this following the release of DNA results which proved otherwise #AgafaEyo #SparkTvUganda
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Nawe olimuyaye olaba wegana maamawo
Bikolimo byebikuzunja
Totumalira budde
Iga musajja mubi nyo coz oyo omusajja i beleave him 100% , iga yagamba sister wange nga abana balwadde naye weyagendayo abana beyongela kulwala nw 5years bawuunga, iga oli musota (🐍)
Tewali buyambi kasajja gwe and good you were jailed. Lazy man wants easy money. You made MP Nsereko to wast time and money for DNA.
Naye ono omuvubuka ayina buzibu ki
Labano kino ekiyaaye genda okole mbwagwe vamukwonoona abantu kyasama era okyatambulira kubantu
Olimutufunyo boy oyo sitani yiga temudamu muyita pastor
Imagine what was yiga after?!! Byampuna
I believe u boy yiga is a great liar we all know
Musaja gwe genda okole vamuntalo zabasumba toja zisobola kati okwesiba ku Nsereko pr Yiga afunilamu wa ur family members bagamba oli mubi ojakuda mukomela wemamaza
Kinno ekilenzi kisiru… he's just blackmailing people
Bulwade ki?
Uganda zaaabuu
Even though Yiga is a fake guy, but you story was first aired on Ghetto TV, let me hope its Yiga who sent you there as well. Secondly Hon admitted that you had previously stormed his office for assistance.
Rubbish,kati ki kyoyagala bakolere?
Brother ono banange mumuleke ave mu camera / interviews ayiye ensi banange ebyaliwo byaliwo so let us forget good enough he's out of custody big up to Mr.Nsereko kusonyiwa musajja Ono.
Banbi bamusonyuwe, tewali atasobya yesu yasonuwa abamuta
🤣🤣🤣 i watched the whole old story bt this dude is a great liar and manipulator .. fools believe his word.
Enkitufu yiga akimanti abatubaji baze bamuwako obujulizi okubononela obulamubwabwe sembo yiga ojakisasulila kulunakulyo oywe komelelo esi togenda jikugulako biliji nakamu so vamusitani damukatonda
Agende akole tatusumbuwa Embwa eyo
He is part of diversion.Ugandanz oba lwakhi mulwawo okutegela
But some of you blaming him for not wanting to work, its like you dint hear him say that he was found at his place of work. ekigambo ekyo kinnyiiza, most of our youths are in diaspora just looking for jobs ate nowulira oli mbu todays youths dont want to work, kati what do you really want them to do? that guys has even said at least atambuze engoye coz he is sick, the chapati fire will demolish his health, but still others are judging mbu tayagala kkola
You came out and tell us ur mama died because of 💰 💰 💰
I don't support Pr yiga but this boy no no lies only but the time he went to see the father of MP pr yiga was out of the Uganda
Ojakufira Mubuvuyo nga toyagala kola nabikonojo
BanaUganda bwebatava ku Katoonda mujja kuggwa eddalu, it's high time you get to know that eddini kiintu kyabuyaaye eddini mujiveeko
What I dont understand in all this,where does pastor Iga benefit from this so called boy calling himself the brother of Nsereko.
But which school did this interviewer go to she is boring asf
People let’s get progressive in life, than wasting time listening to a 30 year old lazy man calculating to get easy funds
Yiga tumanyi nga omufere kyenyini akyeyogerera nti kanisa business omwo mwalegera emba nga eza Gonya.
Oyo mubiwabodaboda kiyayeyo
Banage dis small boy is lie Kati listen. Is fake story banage me saw dis guy in pastor church hawayiriza. He is looking for faver and money, i was imprisoned over dose fake stories mbu brother mp nseroko. Presenter don't west ur over dis lady young man
This boy is hundred percent true
Bambi honerable sonyiwa omulenzi
The LORD GOD will remember you child of God. You were brainwashed like many other young men of ur age. Just give ur life to Christ Jesus he will restore you child of God.
Bambiiii ; bamusonyiwe;
Those people whom are saying that the guy is alier it means Ur from yiga's church
The boy want money he is just attacking pastoryiga even the family told u that the boy is athief
This boy he want money every thing what is talking is aliar
Get me right this man is thief at first he went in the mosque looking money after he went to pastor yigas church you man do know yiga ok go head
Naye lwakyi temwagala kola
Naye omuvubuka gwe oli mugwagwa nyo…..nokiliza ne DNA mukufekinga abantu oli mubinyo lwaki tewagana…bwebakugamba nti gwamutoyi ngo'gwamu…..pblm is temwagala kola
But I'm even confused with this boy en pr yiga coz yesterday i saw yiga's interview sb4 but was denying it so which is which
Where has he been all of this time? That’s bullshit!!! He is being payed to make a strong on Pastor Yiga.
Why do u bring back this man again ? U ple of spark TV you always want to divert the nation
How comes u ve never made an interview on people coming back to Uganda and let the public to know how much they pay per day and to whom is all that money yet yo ever there, but u keep on telling the public mbu government has brought back Ugandans, check yo selves not every one is blind, we expect the best from u but yo disappointing the nation oba what happened in…………???????
Bakuzeyo mukomela 💃💃💃💃💃 bebale butakusonyiwa bwage banange Ono mubi ate yesasila
Omusaja Ono mubi 🤪🤪🤪mbwa mwe muyige okola wegana nenyoko nogamba nga bweyafa ebikorimo muribidawa ayasama seleko yagamba yari yalabada omule zi Ono nga tebinagenda WA yiga