Mr Kibalama’s case in court it’s foolish and bogus intended to wood-wink the masses and in fear to keep Museveni in power. In doing so it’s continuing to make NRM unpopular. Though M7 is working hard to consolidate his power. Ugandans need change for the better and for the future generation.
Ensi zona eziri democratic system tezibera federal government ensiezifugibwa federal government zibera ziri under Queen of England bweziba mu UAE nabo ziba mubwakabaka bwabwe. kati ensi nga uganda yeja kubungereza neyetongoza nga democratic Republic of Uganda, democratic Republic of Congo Rwanda. Tamale America nene naye yo yagana okubera under queen yo nekola states instead of federal government fe wano e Canada tuli under Queen era federal government yekola which is good, tosobola kubulira bana Uganda federal nebakitegera kuba nange namala kuja wano wekikola nendyoka nkimanya
Mr Kibalama’s case in court it’s foolish and bogus intended to wood-wink the masses and in fear to keep Museveni in power. In doing so it’s continuing to make NRM unpopular. Though M7 is working hard to consolidate his power. Ugandans need change for the better and for the future generation.
Yes mr mirundi tell and teach them
Baganda are the problem who have kept M7 in power they're making noise when it comes presidential elections…baganda raise up…
Ensi zona eziri democratic system tezibera federal government ensiezifugibwa federal government zibera ziri under Queen of England bweziba mu UAE nabo ziba mubwakabaka bwabwe. kati ensi nga uganda yeja kubungereza neyetongoza nga democratic Republic of Uganda, democratic Republic of Congo Rwanda. Tamale America nene naye yo yagana okubera under queen yo nekola states instead of federal government fe wano e Canada tuli under Queen era federal government yekola which is good, tosobola kubulira bana Uganda federal nebakitegera kuba nange namala kuja wano wekikola nendyoka nkimanya
Naye oba Kibalama alina some dementia !!
Sabula ssebo
Thnk u