Learn the fundamentals of PHP and object-oriented programming in this free 7-hour PHP tutorial. Jeremy McPeak will help you learn PHP and use it to write web apps. ► Download premium PHP scripts from CodeCanyon: https://codecanyon.net/category/php-scripts?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_t0syDUSbdfE&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description
PHP is one of the most used languages on the web. The vast majority of websites you visit are built with PHP on the back-end, and learning PHP is a requirement for writing plugins or themes for a CMS like WordPress. PHP is fast, but even better, it’s easy to learn and easy to use for writing web applications.
In this detailed PHP tutorial, Envato Tuts+ instructor Jeremy McPeak will teach you the fundamentals of PHP programming. You’ll start with the basics, learning how PHP works and writing simple PHP loops and functions. Then you’ll build up to coding classes for simple object-oriented programming (OOP). Along the way, you’ll learn all the most important skills for writing apps for the web: you’ll get a chance to practice responding to GET and POST requests, parsing JSON, authenticating users, and using a MySQL database.
Important Links:
► Source files on GitHub https://github.com/tutsplus/php-fundamentals-2017
► Discuss in the forum https://forums.envato.com/c/project-making/envato-courses-and-tutorials/17?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_t0syDUSbdfE&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description
Here’s a full rundown of this course:
00:00:00 0 Introduction
00:02:05 1.1 What You Need
00:17:57 2.1 Syntax and Variables
00:34:13 2.2 Error Reporting
00:43:17 2.3 PHP Conditions and Decisions
01:00:20 2.4 PHP Arrays
01:14:34 2.5 PHP Loops
01:32:09 2.6 PHP Functions
01:41:24 2.7 Local and Global PHP Variables
01:57:07 2.8 PHP Include and PHP Require
02:09:00 3.1 PHP Get Requests
02:25:07 3.2 PHP Post Requests
02:38:10 3.3 PHP Sessions
02:55:44 4.1 Separating PHP Logic From Presentation
03:09:12 4.2 Working With Files
03:23:29 4.3 Parse JSON and Output Data
03:38:26 4.4 Adding a Detail Page
03:50:38 4.5 Truthiness and Adding a PHP Search
04:07:53 4.6 Managing PHP Paths
04:18:20 4.7 Creating PHP Terms
04:32:46 4.8 Editing PHP Terms
04:45:03 4.9 Deleting PHP Terms
05:09:13 5.1 Intro to PHP Classes
05:17:33 5.2 Creating a Data Provider Class
05:27:22 5.3 Writing a Data Abstraction Layer
05:38:49 5.4 Inheritance
05:50:54 6.1 Intro to MySQL
06:00:30 6.2 Connecting to the Database
06:07:00 6.3 Inserting Data
06:16:18 6.4 Reading Data With Select
06:24:04 6.5 Using Prepared Statements
06:30:56 6.6 Searching Data
06:36:09 6.7 Editing and Deleting Data
06:41:32 6.8 Refactoring the Code
06:51:27 7.1 Using Names Arguments
06:58:23 7.2 Promoting Class Properties
07:02:50 7.3 Simplifying String Functions
07:06:07 8 Conclusion
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Assets Used in This Video:
• MAMP Download: https://www.mamp.info/en/downloads/
• Apache Friends XAMPP: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
You can also watch the PHP Fundamentals course on Envato Tuts+: https://code.tutsplus.com/courses/php-fundamentals?utm_campaign=yt_tutsplus_t0syDUSbdfE&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=youtube.com&utm_content=description
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You lost me from 4.1 because the $name variable
Thank you sooooo…. much for this tutorial. I was suppose to watch a different one (but between you and me, yours is more understandable 'english' LOL!). Really helped me a lot.
I like it very much full course in English I have watched many tutorials from Indians but I didn't understand those languages
Thank you this helped a ton🙏
Thanks for your share !!!!
This tutorial is awesome!! PHP OOP next please <3
love the course, rich in information thanks a lot
Wow! what a great tutorial. You are truly a legend.
Why does this not work if its uploaded to a real server?
Good Tutorial, But lost at 4.6 with the "../app/app.php" and "view(admin.index)". Too many folders.
Video from 2017
STDERR is the standard error pipeline. It's where your OS directs messages that C (PHP's code) determines is an error. STDOUT, is for output. The OS generally handles what that "output" is, and usually goes to the shell/CMD output. On web, this redirects to the current logs, such as console in
great word😀😀😀😀☺☺
Best tutorial ever.. 💟
It would be great if can be translated to spanish
Thank you so much!
I coped and knew what was going on up until variables and globals, but as soon as he started with POST and GET all wheels came off and I completely fell out of the bus. I think the jump from simple basics to suddenly having so much code and the complexity just made it too difficult for me so much so that I wonder will I ever be able to master PHP. Even more of a challenge is the fact that I am using Ubuntu, so nothing is the same!
Is this PHP 8.1? Thank you!!
brand new to PHP and 30 years from programing so thank you the detailed tutorial.
python hates python full course!!!11!1
I got lost after you started the query string with GET superglobal. Very confusing.
Can u guys make a tutorial on WordPress inbuilt functions for beginners? Please please please
Nice bro
Incredible explanation thank you so much sir, I think it is the best channel for learners who want to learn programming languages
PHP is no longer installed on Mac from Monterey OS it seems. Anyway, it was always an old version of it so maybe no loss….