Tamale is a barking dog that seldom bites he z just a comedian yagwa his jazz has too much repeatition nothing new he plays with the same grammer to confuse you but talking the same matter i pity people who read his books it must be a turn off he is boring stop over rating him that is why he thinks he is too smart but waa yelimba he z also a mafia making money with his fellow mafia why do u think he has never exposed any mafia because naye afunamu ku ba mafia gang yabwe ono guy masquerade talina waka yagwa soon he wl be irrelevant watch the space
Tamale is a barking dog that seldom bites he z just a comedian yagwa his jazz has too much repeatition nothing new he plays with the same grammer to confuse you but talking the same matter i pity people who read his books it must be a turn off he is boring stop over rating him that is why he thinks he is too smart but waa yelimba he z also a mafia making money with his fellow mafia why do u think he has never exposed any mafia because naye afunamu ku ba mafia gang yabwe ono guy masquerade talina waka yagwa soon he wl be irrelevant watch the space
How can one access his (mirundi’s) books?!
Wabula so so media!!! They chased him from all radio stations but they can't stop YouTube or Facebook.
Ate kotandise obidingana otutamye
Thanks for the show kuku wazabanga semanengene
just suggesting Mr.Kuku, there so many adverts in one short video. just reduce to 3 at least in a ten minute video. just suggesting
This kuku has alearnt to break.break.break videos…..
Profit maximisation detected. ..its boring watching short pieces
Tubaalemu amageezi sebbo we watched this in ur previous show with Mr.tamale mirundi.
Since am da first to comment let me drop my piece also much love kasuku