Beginner PHP and MySQL Tutorial:Hi friends! Today I am sharing with you some of the best free coding courses that no one is really talking about. I hope you enjoy! Leave in the comments other coding courses you have taken in the past that you really loved!
COURSES Mentioned:
Hack Reactor:
Khan Academy:
Skillshare Coding For Beginners:
Coursera Programming for Beginners:
Beginner PHP and MySQL Tutorial:
#TheBestFreeCodingCourses #TiffInTech
I came across this video because I was debating on if I should join Full Sail or try learning for free. The 37,000 tuition kicked me in the …… you know so now I'm like, do I really want a 37,000 dollar debt at this age? So I came to YouTube seeking another way and found your video. Well my wife thanks you cause I think I'll try the free route for now.
Just starting, thanks for encouraging
Non of em are free 😭😭😢😢
Am new in your channel
Beautiful ideas thanks I will practice it now
What about The Odin Project or freecodecamp ? Anybody ever try either of those ?
I loved 😍 your content…you got to the point, it was quick but interesting.💯💯💯💯💯💯
Nice video.
I'm 55 and studying linux and terminal before start coding.
I need a job, and coding make possible to get it outside Brazil, even living here, so here I go.
My inicial ROADMAP is this
– Learn Linux TV
– CS50x
– FreeCodeCamp
– The Odin Project
+ a number of projects to develop/fix my skills, and show progress.
Some of them are things I'm not satisfied, like a better bookmark manager plugin, a text editor WITH background noise feature, and so on.
Salute Tiffany love ur videos you're a smart woman
You never mentioned freecodecamp
i am 61 and looking for free coding to try to make sure this is what I want to do
6:30 absolutely true
Hello👋 mem i am from India and this video was very amazing and helpful iam beginner in coding field so I want to ask a question mem that how did you find out which language you should start first coding career like java, python,c++ …and why? 🙏
Thank you for your guidance 🙏 your very helpful
You forget free code camp the best one
Tiff, great overview of the tech courses out there. Most are great for beginners, a few are good for intermediate but I have not found any for experienced programmers who are learning a new language. Again this is from a 30+ year veteran and most courses are mindlessly too slow and this is coming from someone with a learning disability (Yours truly.) I am glad some of of them are free because otherwise I would feel like I am not getting my moneys worth. Wish there were some advanced course out there. I normally zip through the basic syntax of the free beginner courses, then cherry pick some YouTube videos on specific topics the spend the rest of my time on Stack Overflow to get help with specific topics. I have taken pay courses too, that my company paid for and was again disappointed in how slow they were. After that I was glad I did not pay for them. To end on a positive note though, most are good for beginners. I have though for many years that I should create some courses of my own. I still might as I get closer to retirement. One other source that is not free but was really helpful to me was taking courses at a local community college. I don't even know if such courses exist today but I guess I am just old school.
Your sweeter :3
I was using Codecademy but then I went on YouTube and found bro code he has full courses all up to date
Thanks for the information. Hugs.
Amazing resources 💯🇨🇷👨🏻💻🚀
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Tiff, hi nice overviews of guideline for a non programmer as i am . I am actually looking for which language i should start with for becoming a blockchain developler😉
Coding Guidelines:
1. Create 3 arrays -> 10 boxes
– name
– sales
– commission
2. Create a for loop
Inside the loop,
ask user to enter the name
then user will enter their name
ask user the enter the sales
then user will enter their sales
automatically calculate the commission based on the formula given
commission = sales x 3.4%
Then display the commission to user
**What user has entered must be saved in the array.
** If you encountered any error, make sure to screenshot, and take
note on how you resolved the error
3. Create a loop for the bubble sort, must sort all 3 arrays
4. Create another loop to display the output after sorting
can anyone solve this or where i can solve this?
im a desperate student and my deadline is 2 days 🙁
Thank you very much
I'm so excited to start! and I absolutely love your sweater lol
Thank you for the info,
I just subscribed to your channel and hopefully you get millions of followers in your channel.
Do they offer certificate for us at the end of each course or it’s only for learning?
Lovely tutorial
Thanks you tiff in tech for giving this information
I found the EdX harvard intro to computer science course you suggested. the first lecture totally blew my mind. I'll stick with it.Thanks for your reccomendation. I will keep watching your channel.I love it. Thanks
I see free i click like
Your video is very informative, thanks for sharing all these useful coding resources! 😀
I love the advice of just jumping in without spending a lot of time on selecting which course. That is starting to really make sense to me at this point, its more about having a number of different sources (to see different approaches and get different viewpoints) and a number of different projects (practice, practice, practice!). Thanks for the resources!
Where did you get that sweet sweater?
You're a life saver! thank you so much!!!