✅ Get it HERE at 80% OFF!! 🌍 https://unitycodemonkey.com/courseultimateoverview.php
👍 Learn how to make BETTER games FASTER by using all the Unity Tools and Features at your disposal!
🌍 Get my Complete Courses! ✅ https://unitycodemonkey.com/courses
👍 Learn to make awesome games step-by-step from start to finish.
🎮 Get my Steam Games https://unitycodemonkey.com/gamebundle
💬 In THIS course you will learn how to use a lot of the features and tools that Unity has.
Unity is massive so there are over 50 lectures on this course each covering a different Tool or Feature.
This is a great way to quickly get up to speed and become familiar with all the Tools and Features Unity has that can make you much better at building your own games.
Learn all about making Shaders in Shader Graph, 3D modelling with ProBuilder, playing Videos with the VideoPlayer
Learn about Visual Scripting, Assembly Definitions, RenderTextures, TextMeshPro and more.
In this course you will find some features that are part of the engine that you didn’t even know about which will greatly help you on your game development journey.
Unity is massive so there are even more features than the ones I covered here, I’ve been using Unity for almost 10 years now and even so there’s still some I’ve never used so I need to do extensive research in order to make a lecture.
This course will be updated over time with free updates as I explain more and more Features and Tools.
Let me know in the Q&A section which ones you’re most interested in so I know which ones to prioritize.
Each lecture covers a different Tool or Feature of the engine so that means that each Lecture is standalone.
You can go through the course Lecture by Lecture, or you can jump around and go to each Lecture that covers a Tool that you’re specifically interested in.
But my goal with this course is also to expose you to Tools and Features that you might not be familiar with so if you take the approach of jumping between each lecture, make sure you watch the ones you missed in the end.
There might be a feature that you simply don’t know about that would help you immensely.
About me, I’m a Professional Indie Game Developer with several successful games published on Steam covering a wide range of genres, I’ve been Programming for over 20 years and using Unity for almost 10.
Also a couple of years ago I started a YouTube channel making Free Video Tutorials to share the knowledge I have accumulated to help you learn how to make YOUR OWN games.
If you’d like to try out my learning style before purchasing the course you can watch the over 400 Videos available for Free on the YouTube channel.
If you feel confused or lost at any point in the course make sure you post your questions in the Q&A section.
I am there every single day answering every question to help you with whatever issues you may have.
This course will be updated over time with free updates as I explain more and more Features and Tools.
Alright so go ahead join me on the course and let’s learn how to use everything that Unity has to offer in order to make BETTER games FASTER!
✅ Get the Ultimate Unity Overview Course! 🌍 https://unitycodemonkey.com/courseultimateoverview.php
🔔 Subscribe for more Unity Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFK6NCbuCIVzA6Yj1G_ZqCg?sub_confirmation=1
📍 Support on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/unitycodemonkey
🎮 Grab the Game Bundle at https://unitycodemonkey.com/gameBundle.php
📝 Get the Code Monkey Utilities at https://unitycodemonkey.com/utils.php
#unity3d #gamedev #unitytutorial #unity2d #unity #indiegame #gamedevelopment #madewithunity #indiedev
Hello and Welcome!
I’m your Code Monkey and here you will learn everything about Game Development in Unity using C#.
I’ve been developing games for several years with 8 published games on Steam and now I’m sharing my knowledge to help you on your own game development journey.
I do Unity Tutorials on just about every topic, Unity Tutorials for Beginners and Unity Tutorials for Advanced users.
You can see my games at www.endlessloopstudios.com
- Other great Unity channels:
Brackeys – https://www.youtube.com/user/Brackeys
Dani – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIabPXjvT5BVTxRDPCBBOOQ
Jabrils – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQALLeQPoZdZC4JNUboVEUg
BlackthornProd – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Z1XWw1kmnvOOFsj6Bzy2g
Sykoo – https://www.youtube.com/user/SykooTV
Jason Weimann – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX_b3NNQN5bzExm-22-NVVg
✅ Get it here at 80% OFF! 🌍 https://unitycodemonkey.com/courseultimateoverview.php
👍 Learn how to make BETTER games FASTER by using all the Unity Tools and Features at your disposal!
💬 Look forward to FREE updates in the months and years to come! Please write a review, this is a very unique course format so I look forward to hearing what you think.
Really hope to get this one in the near future. Hopefully when I start to earn in dollars because the local coin conversion to dollar is too expensive at the moment. Sending love from Brazil ❤
코드멍키 이러고있네 개쉐기가 라고할뻔
불꽃남자 김성호 입갤
internet is lacking of ANIMATION FOR GAME CHARACTERS, for unity tutorials. i'm really trying to find good tutorials/ courses, that covers making simple animations for characters and be able to play with them in unity. i think would be awesome if you consider creating a course like that.
Hey, very nice, but I'm enrolled and I can't seem to find the link to any of the resources used in some lessons… I know they're not mandatory, but in some examples they would be very helpful :/
Monke , ………i like the name (btw the corse is really good
You showing up in my recommendations was a very welcomed surprise.
how to download unity I have tried everything … even the link can you tell me how to download it, please thank you
do you have a free version of it ?
the best tool is "unity's particle system a great system to make all your problems go away"
1:35 This one caught my attention, where's the video link for this?
you quit ads
Hey Code Monkey ,
i just came back from a break in Unity. I tried it out about 2 Years ago and always loved your Videos. I am back into Unity after 2 years of working with C#. I wanted to know if your course is 2D or 3D based before i buy it. I am into 2D right now and looking for smth like your visual scripting just for real programming. Cheers and i hope u can help me :=)
I just love you man
Free updates? Wow, Great! Love it 🙂
Do you plan on doing a new course sometime in the future talking about the most common dependencias used loke Input System, DOTS/ECS, Cinemachine, etc
Idea for a new video – Spread Ammo. Using Random rotation to make a spread line. Like Ice Shards.
Hey Code Monkey, do you know of any code that enables an object (enemy) to only move when a player was only moving on specific axis?
Great work as always CM!
I've been following ya for awhile and have been making progress thanks to folks like you!
Sold! This seems quite useful for the low price, and I LOVE the standalone nature you're going for. Should make it quite useful for getting a quick refresher on things or a peek at new stuff never used before in a time effective manner.
Do you know how to make an instantiated child make it follows the animator from the Parent Object (in runtime)?
My instantiated child isn't doing the animation from its parent :/
Have you seen Unreal Engine 5?
What do you think? 😁
Will this be an ad?
bro 3.5 hours on udemy is a very low length video. please do 15-20 hours for that price!
Im just following your advise – look at competition
Fix Sign Up on your site please. It does not work.
Monkey monkey monkey tha best!
I want to learn visual scripting
Can you make a video on strategy to make any effect from shader graph in unity😀
Super duper
Excellent video.
Do you take video tutorial requests?
I am having trouble finding a YouTube tutorial to make a health bar for the player, and the health bar attached , that goes down when a 3D enemy on a plane attacks the player (the FPS Character Controller) at close range, or with another type of far away animation attack. Can you make this video for me?😥
Code Monkey, I just want you to know I thoroughly enjoyed the Builder Defender course. I'm an experienced game dev that's transitioning to Unity. I found it packed full of useful things I'd never seen covered before. I'm definitely going to pick this one up!
Is this ad?
Going to buy one even though I know the material because your DOTS videos were a life-saver when learning the preview package.
Thanks a lot for this🔥🔥. Keep uploading on YouTube as well.😅
Thank you so much! I wished to support you on patreon, but it feels like I am the one being supported. Keep up your great work, it has blessed me a lot.
Also go support now Code Monkey, he is such a well of resources, it's worth it
Buying right now
Wait, I already know all of these. Have a done it? Became a Unity GOD?
Cool! We are waiting ! For beginners, it's the best ! For the advanced, there may be something interesting ! In any case, if it costs the same as the previous courses, you can purchase it at least to support the author !
just bought it , hype to start!
Awesome, I was waiting for a new course.
Code, you should try and make a course on Playfab, or Firebase. It is super in demand these days and not many people on YouTube are doing it.
Code, I seriously think you should make a full-stack game dev course. It is super in demand.
Hey, can you please do a Mlapi tutorial with steamworks connecting/joining parties through steam friends. Because i just cant figure out how to port foward with the other transports.
remember. UDEMY is a SCAM. never overpay for the courses. incognito mode / delete cookies. BOOM you have new price with new sale! How is it legal? Not sure. just remember not to be decieved by it. reroll untill you get lowest price
I'm following your channel for some time and I can tell that you are very good teacher. Aways answer my questions on YouTube too. Thanks! I will look for this new course.
I took. Because is The Best way to support the channel, at least where I live. Congrats
Looking forward to diving through this! Would love some sections relating to 2D pixel art games. I’ve struggled a bit with making those look good in Unity, particularly with physics-based games/using built-in pixel perfect tools
I will take this in near future.