All Ugandans of 18 years and above can now stand for office in lower local council after President Yoweri Museveni assented to an amendment to the Local Government Act cap 243, removing the lower and upper age limit for lower local council leaders. Prior to the amendment which was passed by parliament on Tuesday, any aspiring candidate had to be 30 years and above, but not exceeding 75. The amendment is to be effected immediately, starting with the ongoing electoral process. Meaning that any aspiring candidate for the position of chairperson at local government level must only be 18 years and above.The minister of ICT and Communication Judith Nabakooba explained in a statement released on Sunday, that prior to the adjustment there had been several complaints from candidates who wanted to contest as chairpersons at different local government positions.“A number of candidates had gone ahead to present themselves for leadership thinking that the 2017 presidential and LC5 amendment had applied to those positions as well. Now that these restrictions no longer exist, I call upon all individuals who qualify to go ahead with their plans” Nabakooba says.She noted that all aspirants are encouraged to go ahead and utilize the remaining time to comply with the nomination exercise. The news comes at a time when the Electoral Commission had extended the nomination exercise for local government to tomorrow Monday 5th October 2020.The Ag. Secretary Electoral Commission Mulekwah Leonard has since sent a letter to all Regional Election Officers asking them to effect the amendment.