National Metropolitan Services (NMS) is looking to recruit at least 1,412 workers as it seeks to boost health services delivery in the county.A majority of the vacancies are for medical officers who are expected to serve in different capacities in the city and its environs.NMS Director for Health Services Josephine Kibaru- Mbae stated that they were looking to increase the healthcare workforce through the recruitment of professionals. NMS Director of Health Services Josephine KibaruFile Applicants of the jobs on offer provide salaries between Ksh25,000 and Ksh 121,000.The largest number of workers are registered nurses with the body looking to recruit 619 nurses.The requirements for the position of Registered Nurses III are:i) At least the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Mean Grade C with at least a C in Biology, English or Kiswahili and a C- in any other two (2) Science Subjects successfullyii) Completed three (3) years of pre-service training at Kenya Medical Training College or at any other recognized training institution 5 and have been awarded the Kenya Registered Nurse, or Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse Diploma or Kenya Registered Midwifery.iii) Been registered by the Nursing Council of Kenya.iv) A valid practicing license from the Nursing Council of Kenya2) Registered Clinical Officer III -173 posts For an appointment to this grade a candidate must have:i) a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Mean Grade C with at least a C in Biology, English or Kiswahili and a C- in any other two (2) science subjectsii) successfully completed at least 3 years of pre-service training at Kenya Medical Training College or any other recognized Medical Training Institution and have been awarded a Diploma in Clinical Medicine or its equivalent;iii) been registered by the Clinical Officers Council and with a Current Practicing license The president and first lady at Aga Khan Hospital with doctors and midwives.Twitter 3) Medical Laboratory Technologists III – (116) Postsi) a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C (plain) or its equivalent qualification with at least C in Biology or Biological Sciences, Chemistry or Physical Science, English or Kiswahili and C in Mathematics or Physics (ii) a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences from a recognized institution; and 15(iii) been registered by the Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board(iv) a Valid Practising license from the Kenya Medical Laboratory Technicians and Technologists Board.4) Medical officer – 130 posts(i) a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B; Ch.B.) degree from a university recognized in Kenya(ii) successfully completed one (1) year Internship and Registered by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board(iii) A valid practicing license from the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board; and (iv) good interpersonal and communication skills5) Assistant Health records and information management officer – 65 postsa Diploma in Health Records and Information Technology from a recognized institutionii) a Certificate of Association of Medical Records Officer – Kenya( AMRO-K)6) Nutrition and dietetic technologist II – 51 postsi) at least the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Mean Grade C with at least a C in Biology, English or Kiswahili and a C- in any other two (2) Science Subjects;ii) a Diploma in Community Nutrition, Clinical Nutrition or Nutrition and Dietetics from a recognized institution; andiii) been registered by the Council of the Institute of Nutritionists and Dieticians (CIND)7) Medical Specialist II – 44 postsThe specialists required are anesthesiologists (4), gynecologists (6), ENT- Surgeons (3), physicians (4), general surgeons (5), orthopedics surgeons (2), neonatologists (2), neurologists (2), ophthalmologists (2), pediatricians (4), pathologists (2), psychiatrists (2), radiologists (3), dermatologists (2), and nephrologist (1).Applicants are required to have:i) Served for a minimum period of three (3) years in the medical field in the wider public service or private sector. ii) A Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B Ch.B) degree from a university recognized in Kenya.iii) A Masters Degree in the relevant field of specialization or equivalent qualifications from a university recognized in Kenyaiv) A Certificate of Registration by the Medical Practitioners and Dentist Boardv) a Valid Practicing license by the Medical Practitioners and Dentist Boardvi) Demonstrated professional competence and managerial capability as reflected in work performance and results8) Specialised Care Nurse – 38 postsi) A Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C, with at least a C in Biology, English or Kiswahili and a C- in any other two Science subjectsii) A Kenya Registered Nurse or Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse Diploma from a recognized medical training collegeiii) A Higher Diploma in one of the following disciplines:- Kenya Registered Perioperative Nursing, Kenya Registered Critical Care Nursing, Kenya Registered Pediatrics/Neonatal Nursing or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution.iv) Been registered by the Nursing Council of Kenya; v) been in possession of a Valid Practicing Licensevi) Good interpersonal and communication skills9) Specialised Clinical Officer – 30 postsi) A Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Mean Grade C with at least a C in Biology, English or Kiswahili and a C- in any other two (2) science subjectsii) Successfully completed at least 3 years of pre-service training at Kenya Medical Training College or any other recognized Medical Training Institution and have been awarded a Diploma in Clinical Medicine or its equivalentiii) Been registered by the Clinical Officers Council and with a current practicing licenseiv) A Higher Diploma in any of the following fields:- Anesthesia, ENT/Audiology, Pediatric, Ophthalmology; Reproductive Health or its equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution;v) Demonstrated competence and ability in organizing, performing and discharging clinical duties at that level10) Pharmaceutical Technologist III – 45 postsi) A Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C (plain) and at least a C in Chemistry or Physical Science, a C in Biology or Biological Sciences, and a C in English or Kiswahili. In addition, he/she must possess a C in Physics or Mathematics(ii) A Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institution(iii) A Registration Certificate of enrollment as a Pharmaceutical Technologist by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB) as per the provision of Pharmacy and Poisons Act (Cap 244).Also advertised are the positions of the Assistant Public Health Officer III (8 posts), Orthopaedic Technologist III (13), Supply Chain management assistant (13), Medical engineering technologist III (14), community health assistant III (15), Assistant occupational therapist III (10) and registered physiotherapist III (17).How to apply for the NMS jobsApplications are invited from qualified persons for the positions shown above. Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications online through the Commission website: or jobs portal: Registering an account on the Public Service Commission of Kenya How to apply for a job in the PSCK portal1. It is important to note that one can only apply for jobs that have been advertised and labelled as open. 2. To apply for any advertised job or internship opportunities, log into the system using the ID / Passport Number and the Password created.3. Once you identify the job you want to apply for, you will be required to fill in your details in an online form.All fields are mandatory:Personal Details – name, title, date of birth, ID number, PIN number, gender, nationality, ethnicity, and location. Also, you must provide your contact information including, your telephone/mobile number, postal address, and email address. Qualifications: Qualifications (Starting with the Highest)Experience: Employment Details – where applicable (starting with the current or most recent)Current Registration/Membership to Professional BodiesOther courses: Relevant Courses and Training attended Lasting not Less than One (1) WeekReferees: Only Two (2) referees are required.Other details: Here you indicate the languages you are proficient in as well as a state if you have you ever been convicted of any criminal offenses or a subject of a probation order. Also, disclose if have you ever been dismissed or otherwise removed from employment.4. Once you are satisfied with your job application go to the submit application tab and submit your application 5. Applicant MUST ensure that all the relevant information is provided before submitting the application as incomplete applications will not be considered.6. Applicants are advised to print and keep a copy of the feedback report (application summary) by clicking on the report tab or application summary link on the application menu.The advantage of the online application is the system gives you an option to edit your information. If you made a mistake, go back and enter your public service commission login information at any time before the Advert Closure Date. A section of the job vacancies on the PSCK websiteTwitterPSCK Points to note when applying for the jobs(i) Candidates should provide all the details requested in the advertisement. It is an offense to include incorrect information in the application. Details of academic and professional certificates not obtained by closure of the advert should not be included.(ii) Only shortlisted and successful candidates will be contacted.(iii) Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.(iv) The Public Service Commission is committed to implementing the provisions of the Constitution – Chapter 232 (1) on fair competition and merit, representation of Kenyans diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities to men and women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities. .(v) Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates, and transcripts during interviews.(vi) It is a criminal offense to present fake certificates/documents.(vii) Serving officers shall be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview. Applications should reach the Commission on or before November 1, 2020.