The thought that Parliament could go on recess because of a wedding is intriguing as is astonishing.According to historical records, it so happened that in September 1968, one of the parliamentary staff was getting married to a Kenya Airforce soldier, Lt Washington Mwangi.Aged 23, Patricia Mugo, was the bride and worked at the National Assembly Hansard department which converts oral proceedings to written text. Patrician Mugo who worked in the Hansard Department of the National AssemblyFile At the time a good number of her colleagues had resigned, leaving only a lean team that was already stretched out as it were, having to leave work at 3am on many occasions.With Patricia set for a wedding and a 2-week honeymoon, the then speaker Humphrey Slade saw it wise to adjourn proceedings until she returned.”I was one of the two Africans in the Hansard team, and they just made a big issue about it, you know. They were just making fun,” she recalled during an interview. At the time, just before their wedding, her husband had also been prominently featured in the news for his other conquest. The Kenya Airforce navigator had just finished the East Afrian Air Safari Rally in second place.Unfortunately, Lt Gen Mwangi died in 1990 after battling cancer in his retirement. Having witnessed the revolution in technology, from the bulky tapes and typewriters to smaller, much more efficient electronic devices, the 75-year-old mother of two is still typing away.She is currently attached to one of the constitutional commissions which she wishes not to disclose. “I am very good, except that these days I’ve got a bit of arthritis. It has hampered me but as for other jobs-editing hansard reports,recording and all that, I’m good,” she stated in an interview. Patricia’s eldest daughter followed in her footsteps and is currently attached to the hansard department at the Nairobi County Assembly. Inside the Nairobi County Assembly chambersCapital Group