Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko and Nairobi Metropolitan Service (NMS) General are grappling for power to control the city. The two leaders share the same blueprint and have implemented a number of projects. However, NMS Badi appears to have the upper hand as the two engage in a back and forth struggle for finance. Road Network NMS launched an infrastructural project aimed at rehabilitating roads. Roads in the city were recarpeted and pedestrian walkways and cycle lanes were constructed. Non-motorised transport lanes were completed on Kenyatta Avenue and Wabera Street. Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) also launched plans to upgrade 408 kilometres of roads in the capital’s informal settlements. An overview of the Upperhill and Mbagathi road.Twitter Sonko on his end refurbished several street roads in Nairobi like Luthuli Avenue. He also launched rehabilitation of city roads in CBD, repaired potholes and beautified the environment. Water Projects Badi unveiled several projects he had completed within 100 days, listing supply of water as a key factor. It sunk 93 boreholes across all informal settlements across the city and purchase of an additional 20 water bowsers to enhance water distribution, recovered contested public land earmarked for waste management, increased the collection of garbage from 1000 tons a day to 3000 tons and completion of 1.2 Km Grogan road. Sonko, however, argued that garbage has been piling up across many parts of the City after he eliminated it in his public healthcare sector. In 2019, he launched a Water for All project and stated that he would drill over 20 boreholes across Nairobi. He has so far laid over 33.6 kilometres of water pipes in Nairobi and constructed 18.9 kilometres of sewer lines in various parts of the city. HealthNMS initiated a project to construct 24 Level 3 hospitals in Nairobi’s informal settlements at Ksh 2 billion. It also operationalized 18 ICU and 50- bed ward at Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, procured four ambulances and repaired 12 others.Sonko’s health projects total to Ksh 35.2 billion. He also upgraded Mbagathi Hospital and launched projects to support mothers and newborns. From left: President Uhuru Kenyatta flags of Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) water trucks and ambulances at Harambee House as Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja and NMS General Mohamed Badi watch on Tuesday, June 30, 2020PSCU The two came together to sign a pact and enhance health through provisions to Nairobi medics following a strike in August 2020.Railway NetworkSonko unveiled plans to expand the city to the expansive Kenya Railways land in the Nairobi County Transport Bill 2019. In March, he approved Ksh28 billion Nairobi Railway City project.Badi kickstarted his railway project under the Railway City Development Authority expected to cost Ksh 27.9 billion. Land encroachers along the railway lines were also kicked out. Beautifying and Decongesting the CityMost of Sonko’s plans to decongest the city have never been realised. He unveiled the Capital City Transport Plan, which is to be formulated after every five years and will be consistent with the County Integrated Plan. The bill includes proposing critical and new provisions to streamline parking in the city and to also build matatu termini. NMS is also constructing matatu termini at Desai and Park Road and reclaimed, rehabilitated the Michuki Park and took control of Uhuru Gardens. Resource UtilisationPresident Uhuru Kenyatta lauded NMS Badi for repairing 84 vehicles at a cost of Ksh 23 million. The vehicles were released to serve Nairobians. In as much as Sonko has launched projects, he has been under scrutiny for allegedly awarding illegal tenders and also embezzling of funds. Reducing Political TensionsNMS has been keen on avoiding fights on projects and political power, arguing that MCAs are supposed to work together. Badi and Sonko have both condemned fracas witnessed in Nairobi County Assembly. However, Sonko has been vocal on his distaste for NMS despite arguing that he is ready to work with them. President Uhuru Kenyatta, Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko and NMS General Mohammed Badi.