UNEB released Primary Leaving Examinations on Friday at State House Nakasero. Below are the five things that emerge out of last years examinations.
Improved Performance and Higher Pass Rate
The overall pass rate increased to 91.8% in 2024, up from 88.0% in 2023. However, there was a slight decline in the proportion of candidates attaining Division One, highlighting challenges in handling higher-order thinking questions.
Increased Candidature and More Girls Sitting Exams
A total of 797,444 candidates registered for the 2024 PLE, a 6.4% increase from 2023. Girls made up 52.5% of candidates, continuing the trend of higher female participation in primary education compared to boys.
Focus on Inclusion and Special Needs Education
There was a 25.5% increase in candidates with special needs, from 2,652 in 2023 to 3,328 in 2024, reflecting successful awareness campaigns. These learners performed above the national average, with most scoring in Division Two.
Subject-Specific Performance Trends
Mathematics showed notable improvement, with 7.4% of candidates earning distinctions (up from 5.3% in 2023).
English, Social Studies, and Science saw a decline in distinction rates, attributed to challenges in real-life application and higher-order thinking. Girls outperformed boys in English, while boys excelled in Mathematics and Science.
Decline in Absenteeism and Malpractice Concerns
Absenteeism rates dropped to 1.3%, down from 1.6% in 2023, thanks to targeted interventions by UNEB. While UNEB commended efforts to ensure secure examinations, concerns were raised over fraudulent practices, such as mislabeling normal candidates as special needs learners.
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