NEWS– Kabale District on Friday released this year’s District Primary Mock examination results, with education authorities, expressing concern over the continued unexplained absenteeism of head teachers, teachers and learners and lack of lunch meals for learners, as some of the factors that continue to derail performance of learners.
According to the results released today by the education authorities, 24 candidates passed in division one representing 0.6%, 422 came in second division, representing 11.3%, 418 in the third grade, representing 11.2%, while 792 attained fourth grade, representing 21%, while 1883 candidates representing 49.9%, were ungraded. 230 candidates did not sit their mock examinations.
Speaking during the release of the results at the district Rukiikohall during the meeting with primary school head teachers, the KabaleDistrict senior Inspector of schools, Wilberforce Nabaasa, noted that1,657 candidates, representing 43.9% of 3,540, who sat for theexaminations, passed this year’s Mock examinations, while 1,883representing 49.9%, failed the examinations.
He added that Kitumba Sub County was the best performing sub countywith 11 candidates in the first grade, while Butanda, RubayaRyakarimira T/C, Kahungye and Kibuga sub counties, did not registerany single candidate in the first division.
Nabaasa also highlighted inadequate supervision of the teaching andlearning process, low curriculum coverage, lack of parents’participation in the school programs and teachers’ inability toprepare adequately for teaching as other factors leading to the poorperformance.
Nabaasa recommends some of the remedies to improving on performance like the need to enact bye-laws aimed at fighting learner absenteeism and school dropouts, regular sensitization of parents on their roles
and responsibilities towards children education should be a priority for all school stakeholders.