The Electoral Commission has announced January 14,2021 as the election date for Members of Parliament throughout the country.Addressing journalists on Thursday, EC chairperson, Justice Simon Byabakama said that after successfully conducting nominations for Members of Parliament, candidates will have two months to campaign, before elections are held in January.“Following the conclusion of nomination of candidates, and the harmonization of campaign programs by the Electoral Commission together with the candidates, the Electoral Commission has, in line with Section 18(1)(a) of the Parliamentary Elections Act appointed polling dates for the elections of Member of Parliament as January,14, 20201,” Byabakama said.CampaignsAccording to the Electoral Commission chairperson, campaigns for MPs will be carried out between November,9, 2020 and January,12, 2021.The program released by the Electoral Commission indicated a relaxation in the restrictions to candidates while carrying out campaigns.Whereas the EC had earlier banned any form of meetings including rallies in order to avid the spread of Coronavirus, Byabakama said meetings of people not more than 70 in number will be allowed.“Candidates will, be allowed to organise/hold campaign meetings, in a regulated manner, preferably outdoors, with limited attendance of a maximum of seventy (70) persons, to enable the observance of the 2-meters social distancing rule for the persons attending the meeting,”Byabakama told journalists.The Electoral Commission boss noted that candidates and venue owners must ensure that the campaign meeting venues are provided with handwashing facilities and sanitizers and that the supporters attending wear face masks at all times, while accessing and exiting the meeting venue.According to Byabakama, candidates are advised to identify suitable venues within their constituencies for the meetings and notify the respective returning officers to inspect them together with police and the district Covid-19 taskforce to ensure observance of the set guidelines.Other guidelinesAccording to the Electoral Commission, campaigns shall be conducted between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm; and in accordance with the harmonized candidates’ campaign program.Candidates and their agents have been warned against the use or publishing of any language or defamatory words, which incite public disorder, hatred, violence, or which threatens war.“Candidates are allowed to conduct campaigns in accordance with the measures and guidelines put in place by the Ministry of Health to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) issued by the Electoral Commission to prevent and combat person-to-person, person-to-object and object-to-person spread of the COVID-19 during the conduct of election activities, processions and public/mass rallies remain banned.”