KABALE– A total of 170 enumerators and data collectors in Kabale District have been commissioned to start a two-week data collection exercise aimed at supporting community profiling at the Parish level, to support Government in planning and decision making at the grass root level.
The enumerators and data collectors were commissioned yesterday by the Kabale deputy Resident District Commissioner, Abel Bakunda Mushambo, after a two-day training on community profiling, data collection, analysis, tabulation, storage and dissemination.
The data collection exercise, is intended to implement pillar six of the Parish Development Model- the Parish Based Management Information system-PBMIS.
The Principal statistician in the Uganda Bureau of Statistics and Regional Coordinator for parish development Information system, Vicent Fred Ssenono, noted that the objective of the sixth pillar, is to
provide a depository for operational, administrative and socio-economic data to guide in generation of work plans, budgets and performance reports at the parish level and other levels of Local Government as well as the national level.
It will also provide a platform for tracking the implementation of NDP III strategic interventions at the parish level and provide an electronic web-based management information system platform for the
result based monitoring and evaluation of the local Economic Development Initiatives at the Parish level.
Bakunda, warned the enumerators against soliciting for bribes from their respondents and other members of the public.
The Kabale District Vice Chairperson, Miria AKankwasa Tugume who represented the District chairperson, Nelson Nshangabasheija, called on the enumerators to keep confidential all biodata generated from the exercise.
The Principal Assistant secretary, James Mugisha, who represented the Chief Administrative officer, Edmond Ntimba, tasked the enumerators to make sure that all the households are reached.
He also implored the enumerators to be mindful of the approach and language they will use, if the exercise is to be successful.
Mugisha added that the enumerators and data collectors will be supervised and supplemented by their respective sub county chiefs, who were also trained about the data collection exercise.