Police Spokesperson CP Fred Enanga addressing press at Media Centre
KAMPALA- The Directorate of Criminal Investigations has commenced inquiries into a viral video of students, who were caught on camera performing erotic lap dances and other inappropriate sexual behaviors, while travelling in a bus during field trip.
According to CP Fred Enanga the Uganda Police Spokesperson, authorities have since established that on the 10th June 2022, the Management of Lubiri High School, hired a school bus from MIDLAND High School, to transport a group of students for an Agricultural show in Jinja.
It is during the trip that some male and female students, paired up, and were caught on camera, indulging in very naughty and inappropriate indecent practices that have a potential of impairing morals of other disciplined students, promoting indiscipline in schools and communities.
The task team headed by the Commissioner, Sexual and Gender Based Violence Department, in close coordination with the Child and Family Protection Unit from Police Headquarters, has commenced inquiries which shall guide on the most appropriate action to be taken.
“Right now, the big question by many shocked parents, guardians, educationist and the public is how the incident occurred on a school bus, without the school staff and driver knowing?” says Enanga.
He adds that “as inquiries continue, we wish to remind all school Administrators, that all safety concerns of students while in school or off campus activities like sports, clubs, study tours fall on the shoulders of the school management. At the same time, we also wish to remind students that they also have a duty or are expected to behave while at school. The purpose of taking them to school is to study according to the school curriculum and not behaving in such inappropriate manners”.
CP Enanga narrates that they are going to establish if there was a teacher or staff member who escorted or was supposed to escort the students and whether the protocols on safety and security of students was followed? Who organized the field tour and list of students? Whether any students used their power to exploit other students while on the bus? And whether any students were victimized by other exploitative students?
As witnessed from the viral video, any form of laxity on supervision of students, is a complete violation of the trust parents give to teachers and schools and the forces, urge all schools to as a MUST to activate their supervision plans across all learning environments within the school and in external learning environments, be more vigilant and uphold high standards of conduct and professionalism.
– School staff should be able to observe and monitor student behavior and conversation. Active supervision is one way that educators can keep students safe and prevent a range of challenging behavior, especially where sexual behavior tend to occur.
– Make reminders on walls, in dormitories, classes, compounds for instance “please respect your peers including their personal space and bodies”.
Listening to students can be another critical way of monitoring behavior. Inappropriate behavior is not something young people need to learn to tolerate. Rather it must be confronted and stopped so that schools can be safe and positive places for children to learn.
– Students must learn to be assertive and establish strong personal boundaries. They must tell their classmates to STOP when their behavior is offensive and inappropriate personal space should be respected.
– The physical layout of a school is an important factor for active supervision, to help guard against places that are not easily visible in school. Awareness of places and spaces that are not easily monitored can be crucial in preventing sexual behavior challenges.
– Parental involvement is critical to long-term behavior modification. They need to be educated about sexual and inappropriate behavior and its harmful effects in order to help identify and respond appropriately.
– When inappropriate and sexual behavior occurs parents of victims and perpetrators need to be informed of the details, so that the emotional and developmental needs of both parties are addressed through counselling to avoid long term emotional damage.
– Parents should understand that sexual and inappropriate behavior in schools has been taking place for years. Therefore, when entering a relationship with the school, they are expected to adhere to the school norms and rules.
– All schools should aggressively continue to train staff in ways to spot potential misconduct and encourage students and stakeholders to report any such allegations for investigation.