A Tik Toker has been sentenced to two years in jail after he pleaded guilty to spreading hate speech against President Museveni and the First Family. The sentence of Emmanuel ...
A 27-year-old second-hand shoe hawker, Mr Juma Musuuza aka Madubarah has become the fifth Ugandan TikToker to be remanded to prison by Entebbe Chief Magistrate Stella Maris Amabilis in less ...
Expectant mothers in refugee settlements and host communities in the Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement have reason to celebrate. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has launched the construction of a modern maternity ...
The Entebbe Chief Magistrate Stella Maris Amabilis has further remanded Rev Dominic Alinga to Kigo prison over the alleged murder of URA employee John Bosco Ngorok in August this year ...
About 10 food crop enterprises have been selected by the Ministry of Agriculture to spearhead climate smart agriculture in 69 rural districts across the country. The crops which include, hass ...
Long-distance running half-brothers Jacob Kiplimo and Victor Kiplangat carry heavy profiles. And understandably, they were rated number one and two respectively by the race organizers for the NN Zevenheuvelenloop race ...
The government has cleared Mwanyi Terimba Limited, one of the business arms of the Buganda Kingdom, to export coffee beans to China. In a November 14 letter, Mr Paul Mwambu, ...
The government has capped the interest rate on loans from the microfinance institutions and money lenders to 2.8 per cent per month and 33.6 per cent per annum following the ...
As you read this review, probably me and a few friends are still somewhere in Jinja making final payments at the hotels, putting on our best impression and trying to ...
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), the body requires iron for growth and development. Iron is also essential for the production of haemoglobin, a protein in red blood ...