Kill the kingmaker is an old political phrase. The phrase encourages those who rise to positions of prominence to decisively deal with those who help them rise to such positions ...
The basic inflorescence in avocado is a multi-branched panicle consisting of small, pale green or yellowish-green flowers. One or two million flowers are produced in a single flowering period, although ...
For all her life, Stella Afoyocan of Kisomere Village, Ngwedo Parish, Buliisa District, has grown cassava. It has been her staple food, and she uses it to feed her nine ...
The Kenya Simbas silenced the Ugandan crowd at the Kings Park Arena to win the second leg of the annual Elgon Cup 21-5 and take the ultimate prize with a ...
Poultry farming has rapidly grown in the country and across the world, with thousands of people keeping birds for commercial purposes. However, as the venture grows, consumer tastes are changing, ...
Smallholder crop and livestock farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and Uganda in particular are inherently nutrient-limited, which restricts crop productivity and leads to high yield gaps. Statistics show that approximately 41 ...
The police’s 2023 crime report marks out obtaining money by false pretence for showcasing unparalleled dominance under the economic crimes category. In fact, empirical evidence shows that cases of the ...
Born in 2004, Ariana’s real name is Winfred Nalukenge Babirye. It was the mother that gave her the Ariana name. She considers herself a Girl Child Inspirer but many look ...
Mbale City, known for its lively nightlife, is bidding farewell to a beloved fixture in its night economy following the recent closure of the traditional El-Tanjia Bar and Club. Originally ...
The concerns follow various scientific surveys which show that while the population of small pelagic fish species such as silver fish—known as dagaa in Tanzania, mukene in Uganda, and omena ...